Registration Flow

When you register on this site, you will get a confirmation mail on your email account.

If you don’t get a confirmation mail, check your Junk/ Spam folder. It might be lying there. You have to move the mail to your mail folder by telling your service provider that it is not spam/junk.

The you have to click on that email to confirm your email account.

Once this happens, we will activate your account with a trial membership of 10 days.

You can how ever pay either Rs 600/- for annual membership or Rs 5000/- for lifetime membership and send the details to admin @ (please remove spaces in between the email address, the spaces are to prevent spam mail by automatic robots that pick up email addresses from websites.)

Once we activate your account, you will get a mail with your login name and password (automatically generated). You can then log in first time with these credentials and then change your password from the member profile page.

In case of any problem, feel free to write to us at admin @