1955: India's first Prime Minister after the withdrawal of the British Jawaharlal Nehru (1889 - 1964). (Photo by Baron/Getty Images)

If you see all around in the Indian subcontinent, you’ll see that there are nations that are on the brink of economic slavery.

Look at Sri Lanka, it has no US Dollars to buy anything. Medicines, Fertilizers, even Petrol and Diesel. The leadership there has created a situation that has them on the run. The family that came to power destroyed the country.

Look at Pakistan, it relied on foreign aid and became a front line state against Afghanistan for America and made billions of dollars. But most of this aid was stolen by their leaders and taken out of the country, leaving the country broke. A leader who tried to correct this situation was recently removed by the same America who plotted against him and brought back a corrupt regime.

Look at Nepal, it has been warned to cut down on imports as its own economic situation is getting out of hand. It too is low on dollar reserves.

Then look at India.

And you’ll realize that the policies that previous governments, starting especially with Nehru, were all aimed at making India self-reliant. And this was not good news for other industrialized nations of the world. So they tried to make India dependent. But Nehru and Congress worked towards creating industries that exploited our natural resources and made India strong. Today India produces and exports many drugs and medicines. It produces its own steel, cement, and so many items that are required in the construction industry. This did not happen over night. We are capable of establishing and running our very own high speed rail network. All because of forethought of our leaders. We did not borrow from the world, we became self sufficient in food grains. Today we export technology and are a force in information technology world (although what we provide is most manpower).

This came about because of building and selling. What Modi Sarkar has been doing is selling these so called ‘loss making’ companies to its crony capitalists network, who are happily buying these asset laden companies for a song and see them as ‘profit making’ companies in the near future.

We should really be thankful to our founding fathers and leaders of yore who built India. But soon those tables may turn and we might be in the same league as Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Nepal.

Therefore it becomes important that we bring out a change in the regime in 2024.

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